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Challenging musical canons - a research project

Challenging musical canons - a research project

Our research project has been granted a three year grant by the Norwegian Academy of Music!
Challenging musical canons is a joint research and development project that asks the following question: in which ways can we challenge and expand prevailing canonical traditions within different study- and teaching environments at NMH?

Western music history has largely favoured male composers, musicians, and tradition bearers, while women and non-binary individuals have often been overlooked by historians. Their contributions have been minimized, or they have lacked opportunities to participate in the music scene on equal terms with men. This has contributed to narratives about musical canons where important individuals, musical expressions, and perspectives are missing.

Eva Beneke (Associate Professor in Classical Guitar), Guro Gravem Johansen (Professor of Music Education) and Gjertrud Pedersen (Associate Professor in Music History) aim to develop how music history and artistic practices are taught through the project Challenging Musical Canons.

The project is a collaboration between the research centres CERM and NordART.